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금산인삼 글로벌 트레이드(베트남어)

Giới thiệu về sản phẩm và công ty

Detailed description Geumsan Ginseng Myeongga
– Product name, Model No., In the cases of confirmed certification/approval by the Law, its details, Required field country of manufacture or place of origin, Producer, Person in charge of A/S and contacts or Contacts for consumer communication
Product name Hong Sam Jung
Model No. Acid hydration
In the cases of confirmed certification/approval by the Law, its details Centennial Subcontractor (Ministry of Small and Medium Business)
Required field country of manufacture or place of origin Republic of Korea
Producer Three Geumsan Family
Person in charge of A/S and contacts or Contacts for consumer communication +82-41-753-2142
COMPANY NAMEGeumsan Ginseng Myeongga